Кафедральный собор Лозанны

Student Blog

Пять полезных приложений для смартфона студента

How to manage to study "excellently", communicate with friends, visit fashionable clubs, dress with taste and look your best if you are a student? The answer is simple: install the following five programs on your device and forget that you once lacked time. Use the latest progress to your advantage and become the best student in the history of educational institutions. So, the five most useful smartphone apps...

Do you want to get access to the highest banking society? Then you can't miss the Citi Business Cocktail, a private meeting between practicing Citi bankers and promising students and alumni.Closed Event: Citi Business Cocktail Complete the challenge and qualify - prove to everyone that you deserve to be part of the business elite...

The University of Tokyo or Todai is rightfully considered one of the major prestigious institutions of higher education in the world. According to the 2014 Asian University Rankings, Tokyo won the honorable first place, and among the top 100 universities in the world, this educational institution ranks 20th. The university has 5 campuses and 10 faculties, where an average of 30 thousand students study, of which about 10% are foreigners. The status of the institution is state. Education is conducted mainly in Japanese, a number of programs are taught in English.

Why is the University of Tokyo so good and interesting? And why do thousands of people flock here every year to get an education?

Being a student is always hard, but with the development of science, his life becomes not only easier, but also more productive. There are many devices that can help you save time and speed up your work. And also usefully spend time on the way to school or home, because the road in total takes up to 5 hours from the working day for many. So, what five gadgets from the vast world of high technologies can we recommend to the current student?

Токийский университет Пять гаджетов,  которые значительно упростят жизнь студента

Source: mistudenti.ru
BLOG / DIARY of Student #1
BLOG / DIARY of Student #1
A student blog in Thailand travels to Laos by bus with
A student blog in Thailand travels to Laos by bus with ...
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