Продвижение блога

Blog Promotion

The number of blogs in Runet is practically not inferior to the number of sites: today many famous people, politicians and businessmen have their own virtual diaries. And hundreds of thousands of people daily browse a huge number of blogs in search of news, useful information on a variety of topics, many of them have dozens or even hundreds of blogs in their RSS feed, which they regularly read with pleasure.

On the other hand, for many people, blogging is not just a hobby, a way to share interesting and useful information with others, but also a source of constant and, sometimes, the main income. Becoming one of these bloggers* is difficult, but possible. And it’s worth starting with promoting it on the network.

* A blogger is a person who has a personal journal, a blog on the Internet, which he constantly fills with new entries of a different nature: reviews, news, reviews and just notes-observations from life. The most popular and topical entries become popular among users, cause discussions, thanks to which the blogger gains popularity. For a professional blogger, a diary is a working tool with which he can promote certain ideas, brands, products or services.
You can promote absolutely any blog hosted either on a free hosting, for example, on the LiveJournal platform, or on a paid one. The second option will require financial costs for the purchase of a domain name and hosting. One of the most popular blogging platforms is WordPress, but today you can choose other equally convenient systems. There are a huge number of different design templates with which you can design your blog in an original way.

impossible without search engine optimization. To do this, you need to use a set of works on internal optimization, add social bookmarks, set up an RSS feed and much more. You also need to install a statistics code on the site that allows you to record site traffic and traffic sources. One of the most popular counters is Google Analytics. it allows you to analyze a huge number of different indicators.

Next, you need to register a blog in special directories, write a press release about the opening of your site and place it on the appropriate sources, in general, inform users about the appearance of your resource on the network. When the preparatory stage is completed, you can proceed directly to promoting the blog on the Internet. How can you tell users about your site?

If you have created your blog on LiveJournal, then here you can use the most common way of promotion - by adding friends, or "friends". Here it is important to follow a few rules:

Add as friends people who are really interesting to you and authoritative in the blogosphere;
Livejournal has a friend limit (1000 for a free account and 2000 for a paid account), so not all popular bloggers will be able to add you as a friend even if they want to.
Read your friends' posts and leave comments. It will be much easier to understand the news flow if you break all your friends into groups according to their interests.

You can attract users to the site from the search. To do this, at a minimum, you need to regularly update entries on your blog. If you position your blog as news, then you need to add news several times a day, if as an author, then at least 3-5 times a week new entries should appear on the blog (set a mode for yourself and try to stick to it). It is important that the information is:

topical (arouse interest among users, desire to comment).

In your posts, do not forget to use the keywords for which you are promoting your blog. Articles can be linked to each other - put links on each other.

You can start promoting a blog by commenting on the posts of other authors of thematic and interesting resources for you. Many bloggers place top commentators on their websites, the most active of which receive a link from the main page.

At the same time, it is always important to keep in touch with other bloggers: respond to comments, if the blog is mentioned in the post of another author, be sure to thank him for this, leave contacts. For your part, do not be afraid to link to other blogs, indicate the name and surname of the author. You can also use social networks to communicate with the authors - if the author likes your site, he will contact you himself. A great way to promote your blog is to interview a famous person in your field.

Source: seo.artox-media.ru
Blog in detail. Anna Gahan on promoting communities
Blog in detail. Anna Gahan on promoting communities
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